Only you can make the decision to look toward Seventh-Heaven. And I shall totally help you...
Just as there's only 2 positions for a light switch, UP or DOWN, the 'on' position is pointing skyward... while the 'off' position is pointing toward our demise, to the whorizontal, so only 2 eternities... and 1 of em aint too cool.
Many analogies we might surmise of that proposition... yet, only 1 belief in the King of Hearts who gives U.S. His Magnificent Light.
If that's too difficult 4u2c, here's what I suggest: I suggest you getta pair of GodSpex from the Divine Physician, mortals.
God bless your indelible soul. Yes, earthling, I was an NDE...
Contemporary culture has eliminated both the concept of the public and the figure of the intellectual. Former public spaces – both physical and cultural – are now either derelict or colonized by advertising. A cretinous anti-intellectualism presides, cheerled by expensively educated hacks in the pay of multinational corporations who reassure their bored readers that there is no need to rouse themselves from their interpassive stupor. The informal censorship internalized and propagated by the cultural workers of late capitalism generates a banal conformity that the propaganda chiefs of Stalinism could only ever have dreamt of imposing.
Zer0 Books knows that another kind of discourse – intellectual without being academic, popular without being populist – is not only possible: it is already flourishing, in the regions beyond the striplit malls of so-called mass media and the neurotically bureaucratic halls of the academy. Zer0 is committed to the idea of publishing as a making public of the intellectual. It is convinced that in the unthinking, blandly consensual culture in which we live, critical and engaged theoretical reflection is more important than ever before.
1 comment:
Only you can make the decision
to look toward Seventh-Heaven.
And I shall totally help you...
Just as there's only 2 positions
for a light switch, UP or DOWN,
the 'on' position is pointing skyward...
while the 'off' position is pointing
toward our demise, to the whorizontal,
so only 2 eternities...
and 1 of em aint too cool.
Many analogies we might surmise
of that proposition... yet,
only 1 belief in the King of Hearts
who gives U.S. His Magnificent Light.
If that's too difficult 4u2c,
here's what I suggest:
I suggest you getta pair of GodSpex
from the Divine Physician, mortals.
God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, earthling, I was an NDE...
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