Tuesday, 15 June 2010

New Zer0 website

There is now a new Zer0 website, which includes all the latest Zer0 news.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Only you can make the decision
to look toward Seventh-Heaven.
And I shall totally help you...

Just as there's only 2 positions
for a light switch, UP or DOWN,
the 'on' position is pointing skyward...
while the 'off' position is pointing
toward our demise, to the whorizontal,
so only 2 eternities...
and 1 of em aint too cool.

Many analogies we might surmise
of that proposition... yet,
only 1 belief in the King of Hearts
who gives U.S. His Magnificent Light.

If that's too difficult 4u2c,
here's what I suggest:
I suggest you getta pair of GodSpex
from the Divine Physician, mortals.

God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, earthling, I was an NDE...


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